Predictions in the Future of Tech

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Predictions in the Future of Tech

  • Posted by Hayden Chen  

Some people would argue that the future of tech is already here. There are few things tech professionals have envisioned that aren’t yet in the works. While some might not be available to the masses and some are not yet affordable, there is a wide range of devices and capabilities to choose from. Not surprisingly, the current and projected use of these devices has led to some crazy predictions about future tech.

What are some of the craziest predictions?

Technology has played an instrumental role in the development of all aspects of modern-day life. From politics to podiatry, everything is now shaped by technological developments. Tech determines the spaces we can access, how we get there and how fast. These are some of the many ways it will continue to affect our lives.

Our devices will become smarter.

It seems impossible that our devices can get any smarter than they already are, but upgrades are on the way. As devices get smarter, so will the ecosystems that host them, such as homes and offices. These are some of the vehicle and home electronics that have grown in popularity over the years:

Dash Cams: Despite increased safety tech in vehicles, insurance premiums aren’t getting any less expensive. Dash cams help drivers prove when they are not at fault for accidents. Most new dash cams on the market have automatic accident detection.

Home Cameras: Whether you want to keep a watchful eye on Fido or find out who the pesky package pirates are in your neighborhood, home cameras can help improve quality of life.

Baby Monitors & Thermometers: For more specific monitoring of a baby’s health, parents can use baby thermometers and monitors to help asisst them. These devices provide real-time temperature monitoring and can provide instant alerts.

Virtual reality will outdo the real one.

Virtual reality has been around for some time now, but the applications have gone far beyond entertainment. At home, people use virtual reality to play games and meditate in quiet spaces. In medical offices, doctors use VR to simulate visits, alleviate pain or anxiety and create treatment plans. This can drastically reduce the cost of health care while simultaneously increasing its effectiveness.

Doctors will begin to edit genes.

There has been a great deal of controversy around stem cell research and genome editing for several decades. Some scientists insist that it’s an excellent way to remove serious health conditions from the gene pool. However, it does raise ethical concerns of what else might be considered unfavorable, such as eye colors, hair types or skin tones.

Projectors will get even smarter.

Almost every futuristics film on the market features screens that are projections. Tech teams are still working on projected screens that people can interact with, but 4K projector screens are already on the market. Projectors are mobile and take up less space while providing massive screen space. Projectors, like ours, are wired for sound, so you can watch movies, make presentations, play video games and more.

Where can you get future tech today?

Over the years, smart tech has become increasingly affordable. Almost every home in America has at least one smart device, such as a smartphone or a home monitoring system. Another great development is that people no longer need to wait for companies to install clunky devices they don’t understand. Most smart tech is plug and play. When they’re not, there’s very little that a few YouTube videos can’t help people figure out on their own.

VAVA sells tech gear that can upgrade your office, home, man cave or vehicle with easy steps. What devices will you use to bring the future of tech into your space today? Explore our line of products starting with our home theater products to computer accessories.

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